Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Mensa (Men)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1809  ·  NGC 1845  ·  NGC 1858  ·  NGC 1901  ·  NGC 1910  ·  NGC 1918  ·  NGC 2031
LMC 2-pannel Mosaic, Alex Woronow

LMC 2-pannel Mosaic

LMC 2-pannel Mosaic, Alex Woronow

LMC 2-pannel Mosaic



Acquisition details



LMC 2-pannel Mosaic

SHORGB true color mapping (my PI script)
iTelescope Free Data from 500mm F/2.8 Tak Epsilon
Camera: ASI2600 pro mono, 1.55 arc sec/pixel
Total exposure: 2.75hrs
Location: Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile
Processed with PixInsight and Topaz
Downsampled to half scale for posting

Stacks had an FWHM of 3-4 pixels.

There were only four images per channel, precalibrated, but not cosmetically corrected. Stacking could not eliminate all the hot pixels, which remain in the final image. Also, tracking was not very good. But BlurXTerminator did an amazing job of reducing the motion blur. Nonetheless, for free data (free to iTelescope subscribers, that is). I'm not at all disappointed!

Alex Woronow


Sky plot

Sky plot


LMC 2-pannel Mosaic, Alex Woronow