Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  50 Cyg)  ·  62 Cyg  ·  Arided  ·  Aridif  ·  Arrioph (α Cyg  ·  IC 5068  ·  IC 5070  ·  NGC 6989  ·  NGC 6997  ·  NGC 7000  ·  North America Nebula  ·  Pelican Nebula  ·  The star 55 Cyg  ·  The star 56 Cyg  ·  The star 57 Cyg  ·  The star Deneb  ·  The star ξ Cyg
Nebulosa Nord America e Pellicano NGC 7000 IC5067 IC 5070, Alessandro Speranza
Nebulosa Nord America e Pellicano NGC 7000 IC5067 IC 5070
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Nebulosa Nord America e Pellicano NGC 7000 IC5067 IC 5070

Nebulosa Nord America e Pellicano NGC 7000 IC5067 IC 5070, Alessandro Speranza
Nebulosa Nord America e Pellicano NGC 7000 IC5067 IC 5070
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Nebulosa Nord America e Pellicano NGC 7000 IC5067 IC 5070



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Immagine ripresa in una nottata meravigliosa dal cielo dellaVal d'Intelvi..


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Nebulosa Nord America e Pellicano NGC 7000 IC5067 IC 5070, Alessandro Speranza