Need help with PixInsight Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight · Phil Creed · ... · 33 · 1599 · 1

Siriusdwarf77 1.51
Same here. I installed the update and my RC Astro software was still there. So, no problem with Windows 10. K.
phtnnz 0.00
According to FMA3 is supported by quite old Intel processors. Ditto for AVX2. Should be a non-issue for most "older" machines.
Siriusdwarf77 1.51
To Phil Creed, why don't you download CPU-Z, and install it. This will tell you which chip sets you have in your laptop. K.
ranous 4.21
The upgrade process in PI is one of it's worst features.  Every other app on my computer somehow manages to upgrade itself with new releases.  PI requires you to download the new distribution and do a clean install.  In theory if everything works, the new install picks up your old configuration, including the list of third party repositories.  Assuming that worked, then doing a check for updates should reinstall all the third party scripts.  In practice, this breaks for a lot of people.  All you need to do is peruse the PI support forum and see dozens of people complaining about missing scripts after every new release.

Basically, the developer has no interested on improving the usability of the core product.  In the last year or two, only WBPP has made my life meaningfully easier.  Seems with each release, my workflow takes longer and longer.  I'd love it if they took a new feature break for a while on work on a better user experience.  How about GPU acceleration?  How about documenting the thing!  Probably 3/4 of the processes have no documentation, leaving you scratching your head what the dozen or two parameters and check boxes actually do.  Tutorials are not a replacement for reference docs. Now I expect this crap from free software, but it's mind boggling to have missing docs on such a complicated paid app.
maxchess 2.61
·  1 like
Phil, 4 years old might be ok
suggest you use Settings-System-about to get chip details then Google support for AVX2 and FMA3 processor instructions
PhilCreed 2.62
Must have had a gremlin or something.  I just scrapped it and did a fresh re-install of the latest build.  No issues.  Got BlurX, NoiseX and Starnet++ V2 back.

Strange that it did this.  As powerful as it is, PixInsight's rather unintuitive.

Clear Skies,
StuartT 4.69
Phil Creed:
Just "upgraded" my PixInsight to the latest build that came out this week.  Disaster.  Lost BlurXterminator and NoiseXTerminator, and just to make things worse, I lost Starnet++ V2 and when I downloaded that and put it in the right bin folder, I still can't get anything to come up.

I'm not tech-savvy at all.  Help.  I can do without Starnet++ if I can get StarXterminator, but not BlurX and NoiseX; those are crucial.

Clear Skies,

You're not the only one. There are several threads about this on the PI forum. (unfortunately the PI developers don't seem to be all that interested)

It was happening to me too and it's annoying. However, when I upgraded to build 1593 yesterday it went fine and all my RC Astro products had survived. Can't speak for Starnet++ as I no longer use that now I have StarXTerminator.
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JstarPrimus 1.51
Go to resources/updates/ and check for updates. Let PI update its repository and then close out and restart PI. I did that and my RC Astro Processes came back. The only things that get screwed up are 3rd party scripts. Copy and save all your scripts into a Word document and add on as you install new ones. This will help you for future updates.

Here is some info to check your windows based computer for compatibility for AVX2 support.,Processor%20in%20the%20search%20box.
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Marcelof 4.52
Just to clarify, as I see some confusion. Third party plug in's are not "lost" when updating PI, it's the way updates work: the previous version needs to be uninstalled. In the case of windows the installer does it automatically, for Mac you need to do it manually.

For this reason any external plug in (RC Astro, EZ suite, etc) needs to be downloaded again and reinstalled. If it is based on repositories this should happen automatically when launching PI, as it always checks for updates, otherwise you have to do the check manually.

And if for some reason the update does not work, a couple of releases ago PI introduced the Reset Updates function, which forces PI to download these updates again.

If the plug in is installed manually or CUDA is used, these need to be reinstalled manually.
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