Carole Bortle 8 Broadband under Bortle 7/8/9 · Carastro · ... · 30 · 463 · 2

carastro 8.21
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I had forgotten about this group until I got a notification of a Like on here.

Well with the Covid restrictions over the last year I only managed to get to my Bortle 4 campsite once this year in September.  But just before the pandemic struck I bought myself a Samyang `135mm F2 lens as i wanted to do widefield imaging.

It has been a fantastic year with the Samyang lens even from Bortle 8.  See my Public images page.  But I can really only do Narrowband from home, so am getting to the stage of running out of suitable targets.

Then there will be galaxy season which is also a bit of a No Go for me from Bortle 8, so fingers crossed that the pendemic will be better under control so I can get to my Bortle 4 campsite by early summer.

philhilo 0.00
Hi All,

Glad to hear the Samyang 135 is going well Carole, mine has yet to come out of the box. Did you order the Astrokraken rig and manage to get it set up with your mono camera and EFW?

I upgraded to mono as I felt trying to do narrowband with a DSLR under LP was beyond the pale. The narrowband images are good even if it is taking forever to get enough data to put together each image. However trying to get decent broadband data is driving me nuts. Gradients gradients gradients (not helped with dew and ice issues on the Newt - primaries don't get dew apparently - lol, it has been looking like the car windscreen on a frosty day currently). I have only been using the ZWO lum 'filter' in the EFW and am wondering if I need to put something in the optical train like the IDAS LP D2 I was using with the DSLR. If so is that going mess with all the other filters, LRGB and HOS?

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TareqPhoto 2.94
This year i will work more for LRGB or broadband targets under our Bortle [not sure if it is 8 or 7 or 9, the light map says 8 from 2014, not sure now], so i can share my data.

Last year if i remember i tried a galaxy with one filter the Lum for short time with my Newt, it came out nicely but the calibration subs ruined it, so if i could manage to do with Lum then RGB will be fine too, i can't wait to give it a try more.

I tried M45 last year, gradients, but for the first time i could manage to get nebulosity of this target, i was giving up, if i learn more about removing gradients then i might have more results of LRGB in future, i just can't drive to darker sites, not even to Bortle 5/6.
philhilo 0.00
·  1 like
Tareq Abdulla:
i just can't drive to darker sites, not even to Bortle 5/6.

Good to make the best of whats on your doorstep.
I could get out to a 4 but shifting the rig (8" Newt ) and rebuilding is going to be slow, chances are it isn't going to play and that is all imaging time and with family commitments I haven't found the urge yet. I can plug in and get imaging whilst cooking dinner at home (assuming I don't get some random issue)!
I would like a proper travel rig that can produce results as I am away quite a few weekends at darker sky locations through the spring-sum-autumn. Thus the Samyang.
TareqPhoto 2.94
I do have the Canon version of 135mm, it is an amazing lens for normal photography, but if i will use it for astro then i have to stop it down, and many said that Samyang or Rokinon version is sharper, not sure sharper in what or which aperture, it makes me to think about buying one so i can do a dual imaging system then.

The reason you mentioned about family and staying at home cooking or whatever is a strong reason why i don't like to drive far, and my wife about 2 months ago she relocated her job place, and now i have to drive here back and forth too much for 6 days [except holidays], and that is already killing me, and i still didn't use my LP yard to its full performance yet, maybe i can do a lot here so i have to see one more year or two, if i failed then i will try to find a way or a solution about driving to darker skies.
carastro 8.21
·  1 like
AK 3 rings.JPG

Did you order the Astrokraken rig and manage to get it set up with your mono camera and EFW?

Yes I did, I also got a 3rd ring made up with a longer dovetail to hold my EFW and CCD camera because the they came unscrewed from the EOS to camera adapter when I was pulling the scope cover off once and crashed on the floor.  Luckily nothing got broken.
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