PixInsight User Experience Revolution PixInsight Addicts · Sascha Wyss · ... · 2 · 245 · 0

View_into_Space 7.16
What if I tell you, that I can open any process or Script I need in PixInsight with 1 touch on a button......

What if I told you that I can toggle between a "Fit to Window" Zoom and a 1:1 Zoom with a touch of a button?

The PixInsight User Experience Revolution is here - and it will supercharge your processing like never before!

Have a look: https://youtu.be/s3yXohvPBq8
brent1123 2.80
I like the general idea of having shortcuts on a custom keyboard, but the idea of learning a whole new set of button commands just to avoid learning the original set of button commands as a solution doesn't pass the smell test for me. Many of these functions are also a single click in PixInsight, or they could be if you just create a template project file that has all the processes you normally use during your workflow
View_into_Space 7.16
Brent Newton:
I like the general idea of having shortcuts on a custom keyboard, but the idea of learning a whole new set of button commands just to avoid learning the original set of button commands as a solution doesn't pass the smell test for me. Many of these functions are also a single click in PixInsight, or they could be if you just create a template project file that has all the processes you normally use during your workflow

We all have different ways of working and preferences. It took me one day to get familiar where everything is on the Loupedeck and since then I can almost use it blind. And the great part is that everybody can configure it to his liking.... But I know, there are a lot of people who love shortcuts and have no problem memorising Alt-Cmd-F and Shift-Alt-H and so on,,, I do not belong to them ;-)
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