Best wishes for clear skies and good seeing in 2018 especially for our Jupiter Movie Project Great Red Spot (GRS) movie project · Niall MacNeill · ... · 3 · 42 · 0

macnenia 5.29
Hi everyone,

It has been quite some time since my last post on the subject of our Jupiter Movie Project.

I captured my first Jupiter image for the year on Sunday (7th), along with Mars. As you probably know the two planets were in conjunction and with a separation of less than 1/3 of a degree, it was possible to have both planets in the same Field of View (FOV). It is not a very spectacular image as they naturally both appear quite small and the seeing low down in the morning sky was poor. Nevertheless, I hope it is the first of many images for both planets this year.

I put a copy in the Jupiter Movie DropBox folder or you can check it out with this direct link:

So far we have 33 members participating. If I have given you access to the Jupiter Movie Project DropBox folder and are on my email circulation list you are an active member. If you want to participate and have not been given access by me please contact me directly by email on:

[email protected]

I will send this communication by email to you as well. My email circulation list includes everyone I think is on the project and for whom I have given access to the DropBox folder. If you don't receive an email in the next 24 hours please contact me.

Equally if you know of someone who might like to participate and has the right equipment and expertise, please feel to ask them to contact me directly.

Also if you've changed your mind and don't want to participate, now is a good time to let me know. Of course, there is no commitment required beyond, submitting images if and when you can for the timeframe we are planning. If you are never free and the weather is always cloudy and the seeing crap, such that you don't even submit one image, that's OK too.

I do hope we can produce something spectacular and if it doesn't work out we will have some fun trying.....and for sure we will see some amazing images given what I have seen from you in the past.

Clear skies, Niall
newtonCs 0.00
I´ ve observed both Planets with a Refractor,sky was poor and Planets are low..but,I hope we have good seeing in 2018. Let´ s do it!
macnenia 5.29
Hi Newton. Happy New Year my friend. I'm looking forward to seeing many fantastic images from you this year. 

For this project I hope that our fellow planetary imagers from the Northern Hemisphere will have some good seeing and produce some great images. They have the advantage of summer, which seems to me to produce better seeing than in winter (my perception), however, they will suffer from the planets being relatively low to the horizon, whereas we in the Southern Hemisphere will enjoy significantly higher planetary altitudes. So I think the Southern Hemisphere imagers will need to make a good contribution for us to be successful and particularly the big Brazilian contingent. So much will depend on the seeing.

We will do it! 8)
newtonCs 0.00
Happy new year Niall,for all! I look forward to new season 2018
As you said: depend on the seeing.  8)
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