Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) - 2nd attempt, adiboi_i

Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) - 2nd attempt

Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) - 2nd attempt, adiboi_i

Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) - 2nd attempt



Acquisition details



This week I had an occasion to shoot at bortle class 4 sky near my city, managed to get around 1h of good image time. I was able to get more natural colors of the galaxy during processing, but I wish I had gone with f/8 like the last time, you can see the stars are far worse in this picture. I guess the problem with aberration is the nature of this lens no matter what f stop is used. Anyway I'm happy with the result, and finally found a good place to shoot from, now I just need to save up for better lens.



Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) - 2nd attempt, adiboi_i