Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  IC 3533  ·  IC 3543  ·  IC 3546  ·  IC 3571  ·  IC 3582  ·  NGC 4555  ·  NGC 4562  ·  NGC 4565  ·  Needle Galaxy
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NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy (Astrobin Collab), Fabian Butkovich
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NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy (Astrobin Collab), Fabian Butkovich
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Acquisition details



Similarly to a previous deep sky object I've done this with, this is a collaborative effort image, combining multiple post-processed versions of the same RAW data taken by me of the Needle Galaxy. 

I originally conducted several imaging sessions of NGC 4565 between May and early June, in total collecting over 15 hours worth of subframes. 

This joint picture was created by using the Dynamic Align process in PixInsight to register everyone elses image against the framing of my own, then I proceeded to import them as layers into Adobe Photoshop and combine using the mean smart object blending mode. 

Huge thanks to everyone who contributed and processed my image!


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy (Astrobin Collab), Fabian Butkovich