Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  Barnard's Galaxy  ·  LBN 83  ·  NGC 6822
Barnards Galaxy, Wolfgang Promper
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Barnards Galaxy

Barnards Galaxy, Wolfgang Promper
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Barnards Galaxy



Acquisition details



This one was a bit of an odyssey.
I actually started it on the 1.5m in Chile as I had no plan what to image I pointed at NGC6822 and did 20min. of RVB each.
Then I did a few hours of Ha on my 24" in Namibia, that looked quite good so I tried OIII as well, after putting this together the RVB data looked rather thin so I did the RGB on the 24" as well.
As things got better I ditched the data from the 1.5m and did another 8.5 hours of luminance on my telescope.
So by my standards a pretty long total exposure time, especially for an object that I hadn´t planned to do.
Hope you enjoy it.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Barnards Galaxy, Wolfgang Promper