IC 2944 - First Light Stellarvue SV70T, Andy 01

IC 2944 - First Light Stellarvue SV70T



Acquisition details



First light on the new Stellarvue SV70T widefield 'scope.

Ain't no chickens here!

Resembling Ja Ja Binks or the little alien dudes from Toy Story, here we have the the entire nebulosity of IC 2944, as seen through the new widefield Stellarvue SV70T.

There's a lot going on for the eye to see and the mind to imagine here.

If you look closely at the top left "eye" it somewhat resembles it's nearby neighbour, NGC 3324 Gabrielle Mistral, (or perhaps her husband) and the middle "eye" pays homage to the Cat's Paw, NGC 6334.

The right "eye" is the angry Hound of the Baskervilles, and the lower nebula resembles a big blue jumping flea!

I'm intrigued by the swirling blue region at the lower right, which is presumably O3 gas blown by hot stellar winds from the hot young stars in the centre.

The hard yellow S2 shock fronts also seem to act as a cosmic dam for the inner O3 region.

Anyway, lots more to see and ponder and that's why I invested in a wide field 'scope.

A bonus was picking up the "Pearl Cluster" lower left of the frame. But I'm not sure if my RGB stars are quite right, there's still a bit of unregistered red spill going on, so maybe I need to reprocess/re-align them or maybe capture them from a dark site with no LP.

This data set was all captured from my light polluted suburban backyard in Melbourne.

I was keen to go pretty deep on this, so courtesy of a nice burst of stable Melbourne weather, albiet under a full-ish moon, I spent five nights in all capturing around 30 hrs of Narrowband data, and 20mins ea of 1min R,G& B for the stars.

11hrs Ha 5nm

10Hrs S2 5nm

8 hrs O3 5nm - all in 1800sec Binx1 subs.

Was fun to tick this one off the bucket list, C&C welcome as always



UPDATE: Image chosen as NASA APOD May 31, 2016
