Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  Hourglass nebula  ·  Lagoon nebula  ·  M 8  ·  NGC 6523  ·  NGC 6526  ·  NGC 6530  ·  The star 7Sgr  ·  The star 9Sgr
M8 Lagoon Nebula #4, Molly Wakeling
M8 Lagoon Nebula #4
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M8 Lagoon Nebula #4, Molly Wakeling
M8 Lagoon Nebula #4
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Acquisition details



My astronomy club owns an excellent 5-inch neo-achromat that has just the perfect FOV for these gorgeous nebulae when paired with my DSLR. It's great to use on weeknights for just a couple hours! The Lagoon Nebula was the first deep-sky object I ever imaged, back in 2015 on my 8-inch SCT on the Celestron NexStar SE alt-az mount. What a difference some equipment and much learning experience can make!



  • M8 Lagoon Nebula #4, Molly Wakeling
  • Final
    M8 Lagoon Nebula #4, Molly Wakeling


Description: I spent the weekend re-processing some of my astrophotos using some new techniques I've learned recently - mainly, starting with a 32-bit TIFF out of DeepSkyStacker directly into Photoshop without editing it in DSS first. This has so far allowed me to pull out dimmer details without bringing out too much noise. Exciting!

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Sky plot


M8 Lagoon Nebula #4, Molly Wakeling