Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  Extremely wide field
From IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula to IC 5070 Pellican Nebula, Marzio Bambini
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From IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula to IC 5070 Pellican Nebula

From IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula to IC 5070 Pellican Nebula, Marzio Bambini
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From IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula to IC 5070 Pellican Nebula



Acquisition details



28/07/2017 Novezzina (VR), 1250 mt, t=15°c, sqm=20.80, Samyang 135 f/2.0 @ f/4.0 with Lumicon Deep Sky, Canon Eos 6d Astrodon inside @ 800 Iso, Takahashi EM200, guide and dithering with Lacerta M-Gen II on 50mm f/3.2. Integration: light 39x360s, 5 dark, 33 bias, 33 flat. Total Integration: 3h 54m. PixInsight.


Sky plot

Sky plot


From IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula to IC 5070 Pellican Nebula, Marzio Bambini