Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Grus (Gru)  ·  Contains:  IC 5148  ·  PK002-52.1
IC 5148 (2017), Gary Imm
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IC 5148 (2017)

IC 5148 (2017), Gary Imm
Powered byPixInsight

IC 5148 (2017)



Acquisition details



Note - Please see my updated image of this object here.


This object is a beautiful planetary nebula located 3000 light-years away in the southern constellation of Grus the Crane. The nebula has a diameter of two light-years and its apparent diameter to us in just over 2 minutes. The central star stands out clearly. This image was made through narrow-band filters, combining emission from the nebula's hydrogen (red) and oxygen (blue-green) gases, with star color supplemented by true color RGB filters. I have adjusted the outer narrowband bluish nebula color to be similar to the nebula color which appears in my RGB image. The dominant white nebula color throughout this image indicates that the strength of the oxygen and hydrogen emissions are well balanced.
