Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Lacerta (Lac)
SH2-126/LBN 437, Casey Good
SH2-126/LBN 437
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SH2-126/LBN 437, Casey Good
SH2-126/LBN 437
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Acquisition details



LBN 437 and a (small) portion of SH2-126 from DSW. This was a difficult target to process, and it took several attempts to be satisfied with it. From EAPOD:

Its most prominent feature is a symmetrical reflection nebula associated with the Herbig Ae/Be star V375 Lacertae. This star is also host to a bipolar jet and professional observations have detected multiple small Herbig Haro objects. LBN 437 is estimated to be about 1200 light years away but there have been multiple distance estimations based on many different methods. Whilst it makes a perfect target for astrophotographers, it is possible to visually observe the X-shaped reflection nebula.


Sky plot

Sky plot


SH2-126/LBN 437, Casey Good