Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  10 ome02 Sco  ·  12.88  ·  14 nu. Sco  ·  150 Nuwa  ·  4 psi Oph  ·  7 chi Oph  ·  8 bet01 Sco  ·  8 bet02 Sco  ·  9 ome01 Sco  ·  B40  ·  B41  ·  B43  ·  Graffias  ·  IC 4592  ·  IC 4601  ·  Jabbah  ·  Ophiucus  ·  The star Graffias (β1Sco)  ·  The star β2Sco  ·  The star νSco  ·  The star χOph  ·  The star ψOph  ·  The star ω1Sco  ·  The star ω2Sco  ·  The star ωOph  ·  VdB101  ·  VdB102  ·  VdB103
IC4592, the Blue Horsehead nebula, Jari Saukkonen
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IC4592, the Blue Horsehead nebula

IC4592, the Blue Horsehead nebula, Jari Saukkonen
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IC4592, the Blue Horsehead nebula



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Imaged during our astro vacation to Tenerife


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC4592, the Blue Horsehead nebula, Jari Saukkonen