Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Fornax (For)  ·  Contains:  HD16333  ·  HD16415  ·  HD16435  ·  HD16539  ·  HD16563  ·  HD16602  ·  HD16733  ·  HD16784  ·  HD16785  ·  HD16897  ·  HD16898  ·  HD16916  ·  HD17025  ·  HD17124  ·  HD17275  ·  HD17321  ·  IC 1859  ·  IC 1860  ·  NGC 1097  ·  The star ι1 For  ·  The star ι2 For  ·  iot01 For  ·  iot02 For
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NGC1079 v The Toadstool Nebula, Brian Boyle
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NGC1079 v The Toadstool Nebula

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NGC1079 v The Toadstool Nebula, Brian Boyle
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NGC1079 v The Toadstool Nebula



Acquisition details



Telescopius is a marvellous resource.  In planning some RGB imaging for my recent of NGC1079, I saw that the galaxy had a remarkable looking piece of galactic cirrus not too far away.  I took advantage of working at 640mm focal length to capture before at the same time, risking putting both off field centre.  

While the RGB image part worked well, I captured only 4 hours of wide-field L data.  On trying to complete the L imaging the next night, my ASIAir Pro caught fire putting paid to any further imaging, until I source another one.

Since this might be some time, I thought I would post this image.  It is not the best, and the data was hard to post-process in getting the balance right between capturing NGC1079's jets and the galactic cirrus, without blowing out the stellar halos, which were significant due to the condition the L data was taken in.  

Nevertheless I thought I would out it here now, as I haven't seen any other images of this particular piece of galactic fluff on AB.  I am not sure if it has a name, but for now, I have called in the Toadstool nebula.




  • NGC1079 v The Toadstool Nebula, Brian Boyle
  • Final
    NGC1079 v The Toadstool Nebula, Brian Boyle


Description: Re-processed from scratch

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NGC1079 v The Toadstool Nebula, Brian Boyle