Contains:  Solar system body or event
The Moon, Morsing

The Moon

The Moon, Morsing

The Moon



Acquisition details



I have never done any solar system imaging before, but my 4 year old son wished for the Moon for his birthday - that is a bit hard to fulfill, but I hope he will be happy with this image instead of an actual moon... I have never tried to use Autostackart and I had trouble debayering the fits - but found a workaround using Pixinsight for the debayering and converted the images to tifs and the Autostackart worked fine. I used 90/300 full frames from the ASI533MC PRO and drizzled x3 as I needed a big-ish print of this. I have downsampled to 50% of that for this upload.
It is always a question of how much saturation to use for the Moon - a full B&W can also look amazing! But I think this strikes a reasonable balance.




The Moon, Morsing