Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  NGC 6914
NGC 6914 in Ha, Alan Hancox
NGC 6914 in Ha
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NGC 6914 in Ha

NGC 6914 in Ha, Alan Hancox
NGC 6914 in Ha
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NGC 6914 in Ha



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Pretty much a perfect night here. No clouds, no breeze but sadly that bloody moon!!!

Anyway i stayed up till around 2 ish to start a target in Cygnus in Ha.

So here we have NGC 6914 which is a mixture of reflection and emission nebula. Obviously its only Ha atm as i don`t have any colour filters yet.

First time using dithering too!!! So here it is. 40 x 240 secs. Hope to add more later this week if weather holds.

Thanks for looking



Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 6914 in Ha, Alan Hancox