Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ara (Ara)  ·  Contains:  HD152687  ·  HD152799  ·  HD152853  ·  HD152873  ·  HD152917  ·  HD152979  ·  NGC 6250
Open Star Cluster (NGC 6250) & Nebulosity, Ara, Paul Lloyd
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Open Star Cluster (NGC 6250) & Nebulosity, Ara

Open Star Cluster (NGC 6250) & Nebulosity, Ara, Paul Lloyd
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Open Star Cluster (NGC 6250) & Nebulosity, Ara



Acquisition details



The catalogue entry, NGC 6250, refers to the open star cluster at the centre of this image. There is
not much information available for this cluster outside the scientific literature. However, it appears to be
young at 14 Myo, and lies around 2,820 ly from us.

Of particular note is the nebula background to this cluster. As Ara, its “host” constellation, lies mostly
over part of the western arm of the Milky Way, the nebula’s structure and texture feature in this image.
Here we see bright emission nebulae and dark dust lanes combining to form a complex tapestry.

Telescope: William Optics FLT110 refractor + 2.0x Barlow, f=1540mm
Camera:    ZWO ASI294MC Pro, 45 x 120 sec, no filter
                   Bortle 3-4 sky, moonless
Field of View: approx. 0º 40’ x 0º 29’
Image processed and prepared in PixInsight and Photoshop Elements


Sky plot

Sky plot


Open Star Cluster (NGC 6250) & Nebulosity, Ara, Paul Lloyd