Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  M 20  ·  NGC 6514  ·  Trifid Nebula
M20 - a transition from starless Narrow Band to Visual, Davide Manca
M20 - a transition from starless Narrow Band to Visual
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M20 - a transition from starless Narrow Band to Visual

M20 - a transition from starless Narrow Band to Visual, Davide Manca
M20 - a transition from starless Narrow Band to Visual
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M20 - a transition from starless Narrow Band to Visual



Acquisition details



This image is a blend of an LRGB image (up right) and an SHO (bottom left)
The LRGB has a total exposure of 24 hours
The SHO has a total exposure of 48 hours
It´s just an experiment.... hope you like it


Sky plot

Sky plot


M20 - a transition from starless Narrow Band to Visual, Davide Manca