Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  16 Tau  ·  17 Tau  ·  19 q Tau  ·  20 Tau  ·  21 Tau  ·  22 Tau  ·  23 Tau  ·  24 Tau  ·  25 eta Tau  ·  26 Tau  ·  27 Tau  ·  28 Tau  ·  Alcyone  ·  Asterope  ·  Atlas  ·  Barnard's Merope Nebula  ·  Celaeno  ·  Electra  ·  IC 349  ·  M 45  ·  Maia  ·  Maia Nebula  ·  Merope  ·  Merope Nebula  ·  NGC 1432  ·  NGC 1435  ·  Pleiades  ·  Pleione  ·  Sterope II  ·  Taygeta  ·  And 8 more.
The Pleiades, "Subaru", M45, astropical
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The Pleiades, "Subaru", M45

The Pleiades, "Subaru", M45, astropical
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The Pleiades, "Subaru", M45



Acquisition details



Ever since I got the C8 in last February I haven't used my legacy 6-inch Newtonian. The other day entirely disassembled and reassembled with a ring over the mirror clamps the star spikes are looking much better than before. The splits in the horizontal spikes are probably caused by bent spider vanes. All silver surfaces are now painted in black. Homework left, cut the focuser that protrudes inside the tube.

Well, I had a short drink on this little success and what I saw then is what I imaged ... stars and nebulosity. WYGIWYS.

Cloud-limited, unfiltered image of the Pleiades. In revison B an image of the Double Cluster which I took on the same evening at ISO1600 and 100 x 60 seconds integration until clouds set an end to my love affair.

I have discovered a new business model namely selling integration time. The worldwide demand is huge and the price high, but no ROI.



  • Final
    The Pleiades, "Subaru", M45, astropical
  • The Pleiades, "Subaru", M45, astropical


Description: 100 x 60 seconds at ISO1600.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


The Pleiades, "Subaru", M45, astropical