Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  B175  ·  HD207485  ·  HD207636  ·  HD210401  ·  HD210640  ·  HD210884  ·  HD210902  ·  HD211319  ·  HD211867  ·  HD212976  ·  HD213011  ·  HD213022  ·  HD213460  ·  HD213571  ·  HD213973  ·  HD214019  ·  HD214393  ·  LBN 528  ·  LBN 531  ·  LBN 532  ·  LBN 538  ·  LBN 539  ·  LDN 1217  ·  LDN 1219  ·  LDN 1221  ·  PK111+11.1  ·  VdB152
[below the] LDN - 1235, George Sinanis
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[below the] LDN - 1235

[below the] LDN - 1235, George Sinanis
Powered byPixInsight

[below the] LDN - 1235



Acquisition details



This has been one of the most challenging images I developed so far, as the combination of the Ha with the LRGB was not as straight forward as I thought initially. The data were captured with my RedCat61 + ASI2600MM + Antlia 3nm filters driven by an AM5, from PixelSkiesAstro in Spain, Castillejar, where I have setup my rig.

This region is below the Dark Shark Nebula (LDN 1235) and it has a good portion of Ha, which made it quite interesting to capture - I had to use a combination of the Image Blend script, in combination with some weird Pixel Math on PI and then some additional processing on Photoshop. I found myself moving between PI to PS, in order to bring it to this stage.


Sky plot

Sky plot


[below the] LDN - 1235, George Sinanis