Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  IC 3943  ·  IC 3946  ·  IC 3947  ·  IC 3949  ·  IC 3955  ·  IC 3957  ·  IC 3959  ·  IC 3960  ·  IC 3963  ·  IC 3968  ·  IC 3973  ·  IC 3976  ·  IC 3998  ·  IC 4011  ·  IC 4012  ·  IC 4021  ·  IC 4026  ·  IC 4030  ·  IC 4033  ·  IC 4040  ·  IC 4041  ·  IC 4042  ·  IC 4044  ·  IC 4045  ·  IC 4051  ·  IC 839  ·  NGC 4848  ·  NGC 4850  ·  NGC 4851  ·  NGC 4853  ·  And 30 more.
Abell 1656 the Coma Galaxy Cluster, tommy_nawratil
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Abell 1656 the Coma Galaxy Cluster

Abell 1656 the Coma Galaxy Cluster, tommy_nawratil
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Abell 1656 the Coma Galaxy Cluster



Acquisition details



The Coma Cluster of Galaxies contains about 1000 galaxies in an area of roughly 3x5 degrees on the sky, of which the central part is shown in the full field. The core is dominated by two giant cD ellipticals NGC4889 and NGC4874. Only a few spirals are found, a hint to advanced merging of the cluster members and high cluster age. The core seems to be embedded in a huge cloud of gas and dust that is visible in the image.

LRGB with Takahashi Epsilon 130ED and ASI1600MMP.

A crop on the core (marked as original or final), the full field (2.5 x 1.8°, version B), and an annotated version are shown.



  • Final
    Abell 1656 the Coma Galaxy Cluster, tommy_nawratil
    Abell 1656 the Coma Galaxy Cluster, tommy_nawratil
    Abell 1656 the Coma Galaxy Cluster, tommy_nawratil


Description: full field

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Description: annotated version

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Abell 1656 the Coma Galaxy Cluster, tommy_nawratil