Sh2-112 One of the Lesser Known Objects of Cygnus, Kyle Goodwin

Sh2-112 One of the Lesser Known Objects of Cygnus

Sh2-112 One of the Lesser Known Objects of Cygnus, Kyle Goodwin

Sh2-112 One of the Lesser Known Objects of Cygnus



Acquisition details



Sh2-112 is one of the less frequently imaged objects in Cygnus, an area of the sky dominated by the Milky Way and chock full of interesting nebulosity.  The object sits amidst lots of fainter nebulosity that blankets the region and is an emission nebula illuminated by a star, BD + 45 3216, which is much more massive than our Sun (~30x).  The image is dominated by Hydrogen Alpha signal and the bright Oiii core, but with some work to pull out the fainter Oiii and Sii in the surroundings it becomes quite an attractive target.  I noticed a bit of a bird shape in the dust inside the Oiii region, perhaps an Ibis, which would make this a bird within a bird (Cygnus, the swan).  I allowed the Oiii to be closer to a natural coloration in this image compared to some other images I've done in similar palettes because I felt the more blue-green color was more attractive in this composition than the purer blue I typically use.  Since Oiii is naturally greenish-blue and this is a modified Foreaxx palette I simply refrained from the color manipulation I would have done to bring the Oiii more into the blue.  As normal the stars were processed separately from RGB images to provide true star colors to supplement the false-color narrowband signal.
