New mount for remote observatory suggestions Generic equipment discussions · Leonardo Landi · ... · 10 · 684 · 0

Leon87 0.00
Hi everyone. Wanting to install a remote setup at a hosting facility, I'm thinking of replacing my eq6r pro with something bigger. I really like the CQ350 pro but there is very little about it online. Otherwise, with around 800 euros difference, you get the EQ8r pro. From an automation point of view the mounts are similar (no absolute encoders, home sensor) so both could work. In terms of load capacity, the CQ would be more than sufficient (the setup would be: sw quattro 8" with Asi 294mm - askar FRA 400 reduced with OAG and Asi 1600mm). I would be curious to meet some CQ350 pro owners to understand if it is a valid mount and above all how to best configure it (eqmod vs. GSS, guide rate, autohome etc.)
Supro 3.81
Leonardo, are you running a side-by-side setup? or those payloads are separate? 

it sounds like you are leaning sky-watcher? I have the ioptron CEM70 and have been very pleased with it since I upgraded from the EQ6R-Pro. I upgraded for the payload capacity, since I typically run `40-45lbs, but the performance has been great as well. I think it'd be worth looking at in terms of cost/benefit. good luck!
Leon87 0.00
Hi Nick thanks for the reply. I think I'll put the Askar on top of the newton. Already now, as a guide/secondOTA I have a Tecnosky 60/360, all on an eq6r pro. So a cq350/cem70 shouldn't have any weight problems. The only added weight would be the asi 1600+ efw. As for the CEM 70, it is on my list, but if the CQ350 is equally good, I would prefer to stay with Skywatcher since I already know the management system well. Furthermore, my local store mainly sells Skywatcher, and I would like to buy where I know I will receive excellent assistance in case of problems.
Barry_S 0.00
For remote use and reliability, I would recommend either a Paramount or an Astro-Physics mount. They are most common in remote applications. I run two Paramounts in my observatory. An MX and an ME. 

Sustainable reliability is of primary importance.
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andreatax 7.90
I gather there is a fair amount of low-end mounts in remote locations and personally I have seen quite a few EQ6-Pro and CEM45/70. As long as there is some kind of in-situ assitance should thing go amok you'll be all right with either choices. The only thing than needs doing is do a proper burn-in of either mount as the issues that might be there needs ferreting out before moving them on remote site.
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DalePenkala 15.85
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Barry Schellenberg:
For remote use and reliability, I would recommend either a Paramount or an Astro-Phyisics mount. They are most common in remote applications. I run two Paramounts in my observatory. An MX and an ME. 

Sustainable reliability is of primary importance.

Many use the SW and iOptron mounts and they have a good reputation but when you have a mount in a facility away from home I’d want a mount that gives as little problems as possible so AP would be my choice Paramount would be my 2nd only because I don’t have experience with them. 

I have to agree here 100% with @Barry Schellenberg I know they may be on the expensive side but you could always consider a second hand / used one. I’ve had many different mounts (mainly celestron) and even as good as they have run for me there was always something I had to babysit with it.

When I got my 1st AP1200 mount I was surprised at how well it performed. I’ve used it and now have picked up my 2nd to replace my rebuilt CGE Pro OnStep converted unit. As good as the OS conversion is/was with this mount it just doesn’t compare to my AP mounts.

Just my suggestion and good luck whatever your choice is!

Aerostar 1.91
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I would consider a 10 Micron mount if your budget allows.
I have a GM2000 HPS and run 10 minute subs without guiding while carrying a WO FLT132, Night Crawler, Eagle 3,and a piggy backed Meade 6000 70mm scope and filter wheel.
I just created a new pointing model after using the old one for over a year and the scope had been bumped several times.
My first slew and solves were around 300 pixels of error and after the new model I'm seeing only 10 pixels of error.
The mount just fades into the back ground. 
I can be imaging in just a few minutes with my setup.
Marcolone 0.00
Hi Leonardo, I have used almost all the mounts mentioned, apart from AP.  If 10Micron was within my reach it would certainly be my ideal mount.  The CQ350 is a nice mount, tracks well, carries weight well even with long telescopes.  I used the CEM 70 ECW2 with encoder for a few months, good but not very good, better with autoguiding.  The legendary EQ6-R PRO is worth more than the price you pay for it, if you get a piece that comes out well you avoid having trouble with the tuning and track well.  Since you are Italian like me I recommend you evaluate AVALON INSTRUMENTS, they are in Lazio and sometimes they have new products with some scratches that they sell at interesting discounts.  I have a remote observatory, so to speak, the telescope is located on the roof in a niche and my studio is about 3 meters away.  I've been using a Celestron CGX for 3 years, ideal for remote use, after tuning the mount tracks well, very precise on pointing, the Planewaves CPWI management software is very nice and practical.  Still has its original belts, RMS tracking error 0.3 to 0.7 px.
Leela.Astro.Imaging 1.51
A v happy Avalon M-Uno user here.  The old model (Synscan not even StarGo), but it's still performing excellently.  Meridian flips have been left far behind.  Their new Dual Dec M-Unos can support 20kg for imaging I think in a very neat way.
Reg_00 8.83
As others have said, a premium mount whether it be brand new or used would be the most ideal situation. That being said, consumer grade mounts aren't totally out of the question. I cant speak to the CQ350 but I have a CEM70 700 miles away and haven't had even the slightest hiccup with it. I also ran the mount in my backyard for about a year before taking it remote though so I was confident in its reliability already. There is another CEM70 in my obs that has been running for more than twice as long as I have also with no issue and I know of quite a few others who also use the CEM70 remote successfully. If you do go that route I would just make sure to test the mount thoroughly over a decent amount of time first. If your obs has on site support, even better.
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Corcaroli 0.00
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For years I have used various mounts remotely, such as EQ6 Pro, Paramount ME and Paramount My. Those mounts were excellent, of course, but sometimes required some on-site servicing. 
Being retired now, I had to cut the costs and go for a fully autonomous, affordable and reliable solution.
I now use ZWO AM5 mounts on two sites, one at home, one in Spain. They are very easy to install, no need to balance the mount, and the Asiair system does all the annoying job - focusing, plate solve, immediate guiding... In other words, plenty of time for imaging !
The Asiair can be controlled by a PC, and the PC itself is controlled remotely quite normally.
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