Which dual NB filter is best for F/5? IDAS NBZ-II? IDAS Nebula Booster NBZ 2" · messierman3000 · ... · 14 · 244 · 0

messierman3000 4.37
Since I was a 240 month old baby, I have been really indecisive between choosing an IDAS NBZ II, an L-Extreme F2, and an Antila ALP-T, for my F/5 Newt and 533mc pro.

All three are really good, but I want the best for my needs.

The filter I'm looking for has to have these things:

1. Best nebular transmission for F/5
2. No halos
3. Good contrast, enough contrast so that I can image in full moon.
4. Bandpasses not so narrow that it filters out so much color that it makes the nebula look fake or, like splattered red paint. Like, for example, look at Bray Falls' discovery images; I don't want the colors monotonous like that; maybe this ideology of mine wont be understood by many? I just want a feeling of depth and realism in my images.
5. 2 inch mounted size

Maybe I'm slightly too strict?

I've been eyeing the IDAS NBZ II more than the others, but I'm still unsure which to buy.

Opinions and experiences wanted.
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Stefek 1.81
Have look to Antlia ALP-T . No halos, 
5nm pass. I am very happy with mine
kevinkiller 1.51
Player One Anti-Halo


3nm +/- 0.5 good to F4.8

you won’t find anything better
messierman3000 4.37
John Stone:
Player One Anti-Halo


3nm +/- 0.5 good to F4.8

you won’t find anything better

Is it similar to the Antlia ALP-T?

I saw no halos in ALP-T images from multiple people.

I like the 3nm Player One filter, 170 coatings is cool, but $500 is a bit overpriced for me.

I would say, my budget is no more than $350.
messierman3000 4.37
Oh, wow, the images coming from the Player One filter are incredible.

Player One, sadly, overpriced their filter though.
messierman3000 4.37
I think I'm leaning towards buying the ALP-T.

The transmission doesn't look very good compared to the NBZ-I (according to some spectrum transmittance test graphs), but visually, the images look more contrasty, and also it seems like the ALP-T has less halos than the NBZ-I, but the NBZ-II might be better than the NBZ-I.

I'll wait one more day for opinions and recommendations.

If I'm not convinced by then to buy another filter, I'll just buy the ALP-T and hope it works good for me.

(A long time has passed)

(Croaky voice) (gloomy scene plays) (shows old guy shaving wood stick on the beach) (Moonlight Sonata music plays):

"For 40 long years I have been indecisive between choosing IDAS NBZ II, an L-Extreme F2, or an Antila ALP-T, for my F/5 Newt and 533mc pro, and no one has helped me choose.

As a result, I lost my navigational skills and am now shipwrecked on this little island; indeed, it was very misfortunate, but the Astrobinners never assisted me, in fact, they were once my crew, but they mutinied, and threw me in the water, but I swam to an island that was close, but they were so ignorant that they decided to drive the ship where their telescopes pointed, and they rammed my ship on another island that is in my view.

Who knows? Who knows whether they saved their telescopes or their biscuits? Did they save the burritos with brown rice? (sighs)

In fact, I heard them yelling about certain things before they crashed; I heard things like 'is astrophotography an art or a science?', and some loud exclamations, and then I heard certain loud noises, like bodies crashing against floorboards and each other, as if they were wrestling.

That was 39 years and 11 months ago, and to this day I still hear certain exclamations, but the their island is too far for me to hear what they say; many times it's just a yelp, as if some poor barefoot guy stepped on an M48 spacer.

20 years after, I started hearing some strange noises on the rocky mountain of my island; strange loud noises, like that of a donkey, and also of rocks falling, but later I was ecstatic to find out it was actually the morning routine of a certain hermit named Bray Falls.

We got along pretty well for a few months, but then he told me 'he was going to visit the Samyang', and I never saw him since; who the Samyang was, I shall never know.

Later, 5 years later, after that sad event, I heard even stranger noises, like noises of industrial and complex mechanisms, and they were coming from the direction of the trees, and then I saw this huge metal door open up on one of the trees, and this heavily-clothed man come outside, and he faced me, and he said, 'long time no see', and then he showed me a huge key, and he grinned, and he said, 'don't you remember me? I'm Bob Lockwood!'.

I don't remember what happened afterwards, which is very strange; it was as if I passed out.

I woke up back on the beach, and here I will stay.

This note will be put in a bottle, and I will cast it into the sea, and I will await my destiny


And no, Messierman3000 is not crazy, I just decide to make a funny little story.
andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
My L-eXtreme (not F2) is good down to f/4 and likely down to f/2.8 too. No major halos that I can see and it's way cheaper than the competition. The ALP-T would be a good choice but I'm not gonna spend that kind of money for a friggin' filter.
messierman3000 4.37
andrea tasselli:
My L-eXtreme (not F2) is good down to f/4 and likely down to f/2.8 too. No major halos that I can see and it's way cheaper than the competition. The ALP-T would be a good choice but I'm not gonna spend that kind of money for a friggin' filter.

They have a normal Extreme and an F2 Extreme, but they're both the same price.

So my question is: Does the F2 one have any disadvantage over the normal one? Why are they the same price if the F2 one is only an upgrade from the normal one?
andreatax 7.90
Not here or pretty much everywhere in Europe. It is nearly twice as much so not something to consider lightly. Usually filters for steep (fast) line cones have a shifted band-pass (as well as slightly reduce transmission, less in R more in B) so using on slower system would further reduce the transmission across the FOV.
messierman3000 4.37
andrea tasselli:
Not here or pretty much everywhere in Europe. It is nearly twice as much so not something to consider lightly. Usually filters for steep (fast) line cones have a shifted band-pass (as well as slightly reduce transmission, less in R more in B) so using on slower system would further reduce the transmission across the FOV.

So what I think I can comprehend you're saying is, a normal L-extreme would be better for F/5, than the F2 L-extreme?
andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
So what I think I can comprehend you're saying is, a normal L-extreme would be better for F/5, than the F2 L-extreme?

messierman3000 4.37

Will buy the L-extreme.
Stefek 1.81
·  1 like

Will buy the L-extreme.

Extreme is a good filter. I sold mine though , because of not so nice halos around bright stars. If halos do not bother you , L-Extreme is not bad choice. I have ALP-T , and it is much better (no halos whatsoever) .
messierman3000 4.37
Stjepan Prugovečki:

Will buy the L-extreme.

Extreme is a good filter. I sold mine though , because of not so nice halos around bright stars. If halos do not bother you , L-Extreme is not bad choice. I have ALP-T , and it is much better (no halos whatsoever) .

Errrrr, mmmmm, okay, if my wallet allows it; but, I mean, not a very big jump in price...

Yeah, why not? Alright, ALP-T it is!

I especially would like imaging things like the Gamma Cas nebula, and I want to have the bright star in the frame.

No halos for me.
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andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
I got Gamma Cass in the frame and no halo what-so-friggin'-ever. And not even with the L-eXtreme, it was with the L-eNhance which is more prone to produce halos (with red-orange stars). The point being that it's the combination of optics and filters that produces halos, not just the filter.
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