Hi From Vancouver Wa, shooting everything that rises with my observational Goto Dobsonian Introduce yourself! · Steven Miller · ... · 1 · 181 · 0

ReadyForTheJetty 1.81
Hi Everyone,

I had a great career as an engineer in an imaging division of Hewlett Packard.  Upon retirement I knew I wanted a technical hobby, so astronomy was it and potentially some astrophotography in the future.  I bought an Orion XT12G Goto Dobsonian for visual use but soon learned I could put a camera in the eyepiece holder and shoot planets, the moon, the sun with a solar filter, and then I pointed it to deep sky objects.... oh wow, there was no turning back now!!!

One thing led to another and my astrobin documents the fun I've been having over the last 18 months shooting targets with this observational scope from the lawn of my suburban backyard.  I dolly it out onto a piece of plywood, do a basic two star alignment, and put in the camera and shoot very short exposures because it's just got basic crude tracking with no guiding... but it works!   What fun!!!

What a way to explore the universe around us!  


Z3ph0d 1.20

Goto Dobsonian. Interesting. I've only had SCTs so far.
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