TSA-120 and Full Frame sensor Takahashi TSA-120 · Nick Grundy · ... · 4 · 435 · 0

Supro 3.81
Hello All, I've been looking at the TSA-120 a lot to use primarily for DSO imaging. As far as I can tell it will cover a full frame camera (using ASI6200MM) without some vignetting. 

Can anyone tell me what their experience has been or if there's a takahashi corrector that allows this? 

Ideally I'm looking for
  • triplet+ in the 110-140mm aperture range
  • 600-1100 FL
  • under 20lbs ideally
  • covers full frame sensor without vignetting (using ASI6200mm)
  • and of course, with amazing optical quality

I'd welcome any suggestions (besides the obvious FSQ-106, which seems only slightly easier to find than a leprechaun)
lakerunr 0.00
·  1 like
Hello, I have a TSA-120 with Feathertouch focuser. I bought it new December 2021, mainly because I wanted an FS106, but didn't want to wait three years to get it. The TSA-120 only had a four month lead time then. It is a fantastic instrument. I would highly reccommend it.

I have not used it with a full frame sensor, as yet. But I have used APS-C sensor (ASI 2600MM). Round stars to edge, with minimal vignetting at full focal length with Tak 35FL flattener and with the TOA-35RD 0.73x reducer. I have not tried it for imaging without flattener or reducer, but visually it is fine.

The Tak accessories are pricey, especially the reducer. The TOA-35 reducer with rotator, gives you a fully threaded solution. The flattener is a slip fit tube (like an eyepiece) with clamps. It ends up with two slip fit elements in image train to get proper back focus. This can induce some tilt, if all elements not fully seated. I have not tried a 3rd party flattener, as yet. 

You can find examples of my imaging results in my gallery. One example of ASI2600 and reducer: NGC 6604 ( Larry S ) - AstroBin

Clear skies!
Supro 3.81
Larry S:
I have a TSA-120 with Feathertouch focuser.

thanks for sharing that Larry. It's very helpful. I was wondering how the weight of the TSA feels? If I recall it comes in around 15lbs for the OTA and this was one of the reasons I was interested. (I love my Askar 130phq but its bordering on 37lbs when fully equipped)
lakerunr 0.00
Nick Grundy:
Larry S:
I have a TSA-120 with Feathertouch focuser.

thanks for sharing that Larry. It's very helpful. I was wondering how the weight of the TSA feels? If I recall it comes in around 15lbs for the OTA and this was one of the reasons I was interested. (I love my Askar 130phq but its bordering on 37lbs when fully equipped)

My TSA with Feathertouch is 15.1# just for the OTA. Fullly equipped (rings, Losmandy plate, guidescope with mount, guide camera, flattener and adapters, cooled mono astro camera and spacers, filter wheel and 7 filters, EAF focuser) is 24.2#, very manageable for me (71 year-old).

Here is a picture of my rig My Current Rigs ( Larry S ) - AstroBin
Peter64 0.90
I’d also be interested in hearing about anyone’s experience with the TSA 120 and a full frame sensor, and the quality of the image at the edges -  both at its native focal length and with the reducer. Thanks very much! 
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