Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  NGC 7789
The White Rose Cluster, Andrea Iorio
The White Rose Cluster
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The White Rose Cluster

The White Rose Cluster, Andrea Iorio
The White Rose Cluster
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The White Rose Cluster



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NGC 7789 is one of the oldest open star clusters known, about 1.6 billion years old. It sits in Cassiopeia amidst many stars of the Milky Way, although the compact nature of this open cluster makes it easy to identify.
NGC 7789 was discovered by astronomer Caroline Herschel in 1783. It has become known as The White Rose Cluster or Caroline's Rose Cluster because, when seen visually, the loops of stars and dark lanes look like the swirling pattern of rose petals.
The approximately 1000 stars that may belong to the star cluster vary in brightness from 11 to 18 magnitudes. The distance is about 6000 light-years, giving this cluster a true diameter of 50 light-years.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The White Rose Cluster, Andrea Iorio