Contains:  Extremely wide field
Perseids 2023 meteor shower, Behnam Darvish

Perseids 2023 meteor shower

Perseids 2023 meteor shower, Behnam Darvish

Perseids 2023 meteor shower



Acquisition details



Here is a composite image capturing this year's remarkable Perseid meteor shower. It is taken during the peak of activity in the early morning hours. I used the same approched presented here:
For the composition, I used a modified Canon 6D at ISO 3200 paired with a Rokinon 14 mm lens set at f/2.8. The photographic sequence consisted of 534 x 20 second exposures. This spanned nearly 3 hours, starting at ~ 1:15 am local time on August 13th, 2023. The camera remained fixed on a tripod, with a single rotation towards the North only once half-way through to ensure enough spatial coverage between frames, for the sake of easier registration later.
Within the field of view, 34 bright meteors appeared. For the "reference sky" frame, I chose the frame that would maximize meteor count, leading to 30 meteors at the end (28 of which are Perseids). This reference sky  is a stack of 9 consecutive 20-second exposures, chosen from the entire collection. The foreground of the composition includes a silhouette of distant mountains and me, positioned in front of the camera and directed my index finger towards the radiant point. This single, 10-second exposure was captured just before starting the sequence. I should say I tried probably 20 different arm orientations before selecting the one that best aligned with the radiant point later.
I used APP to register the "frames with meteors" to the "reference frame". The majority of the frames were successfully registered but a few of them were not due to the large field of view and lens distortion I guess. For those, I manually aligned them with the help of nearby (in time) frames with meteors and the orientation of the stars. This manual alignment was really time-consuming and gladly there were only 6 or 7 of the frames that would not register automatically with APP. Finally, meteors were extracted and integrated into the sky frame using layering techniques in GIMP. A similar level of stretching was applied to both the reference frame and the meteor frames before adding them to preserve the brightness level.
Although I saw many fainter and fast-moving meteors visually, not all were seen within the frames. Faster optics or a more sensitive detector would definitely capture them. It is also possible that I missed them while checking the frames for meteors. This year's meteor shower proved to be a great one, particularly in the early morning hours. I saw instances of double and even triple meteors at once. Also, the sky's level of airglow was astoundingly vibrant. 
I only wish I had a better lens. The copy of the Rokinon 14 mm lens used here makes ugly star shapes with excessive coma and distortion across the frame, even when stopped down. As a result, I made a starless version of the image as well. Enjoy!



  • Final
    Perseids 2023 meteor shower, Behnam Darvish
  • Perseids 2023 meteor shower, Behnam Darvish


Description: The starless version

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Perseids 2023 meteor shower, Behnam Darvish