Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  NGC 7789
NGC 7789 | Caroline's Rose From The Balcony OSC, Peter Graf
NGC 7789 | Caroline's Rose From The Balcony OSC
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NGC 7789 | Caroline's Rose From The Balcony OSC

Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. based on a live video feed)
NGC 7789 | Caroline's Rose From The Balcony OSC, Peter Graf
NGC 7789 | Caroline's Rose From The Balcony OSC
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NGC 7789 | Caroline's Rose From The Balcony OSC

Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. based on a live video feed)



Acquisition details



When the moon sets early, it's time for broadband imaging again. Now that you can see a little more to the north from the new balcony, NGC 7789 seemed the right choice. In addition, no meridian flip was necessary until dawn during the relatively short summer night, although I haven't had any problems with NINA doing meridian flips for a long time. I am surprised that it was possible to work out some dust in the background. At least I hope it's dust and not some other weird gradients.
And: I did not expect to be a quite clear night until 3am, as the morning before was still rainy and wet. Unfortunately, it resulted in a little bit more dew on the scope and from 1am on high clouds started to appear, which resulted in error messages in PHD2, nevertheless guiding in combination with NINA continued. So I simply put all 83 images right into the stacking process. ;-)

From Wikipedia
NGC 7789 (also known as Caroline's Rose, Caroline's Haystack, or the White Rose Cluster) is an open cluster in Cassiopeia that was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1783. Her brother William Herschel included it in his catalog as H VI.30. This cluster is also known as the "White Rose" Cluster or "Caroline's Rose" Cluster because when seen visually, the loops of stars and dark lanes look like the swirling pattern of rose petals as seen from above.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 7789 | Caroline's Rose From The Balcony OSC, Peter Graf