Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  67 Ori  ·  67 nu. Ori  ·  69 Ori  ·  69 f01 Ori  ·  HD251212  ·  HD251347  ·  HD251396  ·  HD251497  ·  HD251512  ·  HD251536  ·  HD251631  ·  HD251632  ·  HD251652  ·  HD251680  ·  HD251704  ·  HD251732  ·  HD251767  ·  HD251855  ·  HD251900  ·  HD251924  ·  HD251925  ·  HD251978  ·  HD251979  ·  HD251980  ·  HD252004  ·  HD252087  ·  HD252088  ·  HD252089  ·  HD252090  ·  HD252134  ·  And 55 more.
Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261), estabrook
Powered byPixInsight

Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261)

Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261), estabrook
Powered byPixInsight

Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261)



Acquisition details



Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261).  I had three consecutive nights of clear skies this past weekend, and I spent them on Lower's Nebula, a humble emission nebula in Orion that is frequently overlooked in favor of its more famous and spectacular celestial siblings.

This image stacks 226 x 120s subs across the three nights, for 7.5 hours of integration.  It took all three nights to draw out its full character and charm--not to mention Astro Pixel Processor, which I recently adopted, and which delivered a high-quality image to work with in Photoshop (Revision A) and eventually PixInsight (Revision C).

(Captured by MRE: C6, AVX, Hyperstar, ASI183MC Pro, Optolong L-Enhance filter. Processed by MRE: Astro Pixel Processor, Photoshop, Star Xterminator, Gradient Xterminator, and Topaz DeNoise AI.  Reprocessed with PixInsight, StarXterminator, and NoiseXterminator.)



  • Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261), estabrook
  • Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261), estabrook
  • Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261), estabrook
  • Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261), estabrook
  • Final
    Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261), estabrook


Title: Reprocessed with PixInsight and Russell Croman's excellent new NoiseXterminator.

Description: Reprocessed with PixInsight and Russell Croman's excellent new NoiseXterminator.

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Description: This was the first project I completed using an EQ mount, and it's satisfying to see that I can still revisit the data and bring something new to it. This is a spur of the moment reprocess, taking advantage of a couple more tools. This time I've added BurXterminator and Bill Blanshan's and Mike Cranfield's Star Reduction script to the arsenal. I think they make a great deal of difference here, giving the nebula a greater chance to shine.

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Description: And...just a little darker.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261), estabrook

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