NGC 5422. Many objects down to magnitude 20 in its surroundings, Steffen B. Petersen

NGC 5422. Many objects down to magnitude 20 in its surroundings

NGC 5422. Many objects down to magnitude 20 in its surroundings, Steffen B. Petersen

NGC 5422. Many objects down to magnitude 20 in its surroundings



Acquisition details



I have identified this segment as a good one for Deep Field studies. There are relatively few local Milkyway stars, and at my location this segment is circumpolar, it never sets. So far i identified 4 objects, all galaxies , at a distance  1-2 giga light years away. I checked with SIMBAD and NED I find it amazing that it is possible to observe such objects at all. The uploaded image is 100*60s, the camera is ZWO ASI2600 Single shot color - using Bin2. I have a field of view of approx 40'*40'  using my 14" Meade SC. Focussing is essential when trying to go deep - and yet you may have artefacts - the most intense stars in the image seem to have a droplet shape



NGC 5422. Many objects down to magnitude 20 in its surroundings, Steffen B. Petersen