Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  B85  ·  HD164193  ·  HD164294  ·  HD164384  ·  HD164402  ·  HD164452  ·  HD164492  ·  HD164514  ·  HD164534  ·  HD164637  ·  HD164704  ·  HD164739  ·  HD313595  ·  HD313596  ·  HD313597  ·  HD313598  ·  HD313606  ·  HD313607  ·  HD313608  ·  HD313709  ·  HD313710  ·  HD313713  ·  HD313714  ·  HD313715  ·  HD313716  ·  HD313718  ·  HD313731  ·  HD313732  ·  HD313733  ·  HD313734  ·  And 10 more.
M20 a.k.a Trifid Nebula, Pranay Kanwar
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M20 a.k.a Trifid Nebula

M20 a.k.a Trifid Nebula, Pranay Kanwar
Powered byPixInsight

M20 a.k.a Trifid Nebula



Acquisition details



M20 a.k.a The Trifid Nebula, NGC 6514. The name "Trifid" means 'three-lobe,' as seen in the nebula's core.  An H II region in the north-west of Sagittarius in a star-forming region in the Milky Way's Scutum-Centaurus Arm. The object is an unusual combination of an open cluster of stars, an emission nebula (the relatively dense, reddish-pink portion), a reflection nebula (the mainly NNE blue portion), and a dark nebula (the apparent 'gaps' in the former that cause the trifurcated appearance, also designated Barnard 85).

Data is from iTelescope.net premium image set, taken from a Planewave CDK 20" with SBIG 16803 camera and filters, dates unknown, probably February-May 2022.

Image is combined RGB, Ha, and Oiii (12h 45m) in an attempt to have RGB stars. Ha, and Oii is added to the Red and Blue channels, respectively. Frames

RGB  5:7:6 x 300s
B 11 x 900s
Ha 11 x 1800s
Oiii 6 x 1800s

Processed in PixInsight.


Sky plot

Sky plot


M20 a.k.a Trifid Nebula, Pranay Kanwar