Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Andromeda (And)  ·  Contains:  Andromeda Galaxy  ·  HD3765  ·  HD3969  ·  HD4143  ·  HD4174  ·  HD4322  ·  M 110  ·  M 31  ·  M 32  ·  NGC 205  ·  NGC 206  ·  NGC 221  ·  NGC 224
The Andromeda Galaxy (M31), estabrook
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The Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

The Andromeda Galaxy (M31), estabrook
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The Andromeda Galaxy (M31)



Acquisition details



Ever have a string of projects that all failed horribly?  

Nearly every project I undertook in September and October was a flop:  NGC 6823, NGC 7380, Saturn.  All disasters.  I even assembled my first mosaic (IC 1396), only to find a hole in the middle!  (See my Fall Flops below!)

Fortunately, between and among the failures I managed to collect enough data to complete at least a few projects acceptably, which I will begin to post on Astrobin.

The first is a fairly easy target--the Andromeda Galaxy, which I managed to capture over a few nearly-moonless nights in late summer.  From my vantage point, Andromeda rises just behind a streetlight, and just in front of Washington, DC's light dome.  But despite the harsh, Bortle 8-9 environment, I managed to get a pleasing broadband image from approximately 5 hours of integration with the Optolong L-Pro filter.  

I have collected about the same amount of data from the   Optolong L-Enhance filter, and plan to use that data to boost the Ha, but effort has not yet matched ambition on that front.

