Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Chamaeleon (Cha)  ·  Contains:  Part of the constellation Chamaeleon (Cha)  ·  The star β Cha  ·  The star γ Cha  ·  The star δ1 Cha  ·  The star δ2 Cha  ·  The star ε Cha  ·  The star κ Cha
Barnard 142 and surrounding area, Casey Good
Barnard 142 and surrounding area
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Barnard 142 and surrounding area

Barnard 142 and surrounding area, Casey Good
Barnard 142 and surrounding area
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Barnard 142 and surrounding area



Acquisition details



This was a cool target near the southern pole that I shot opportunisticaly after the milkyway had set each night while in San Pedro de Atacama


Sky plot

Sky plot


Barnard 142 and surrounding area, Casey Good

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