Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ophiuchus (Oph)  ·  Contains:  22 Sco  ·  22 i Sco  ·  5 Oph  ·  5 rho Oph  ·  B42  ·  HD147432  ·  HD147681  ·  HD147888  ·  HD147889  ·  HD147932  ·  HD148212  ·  HD148321  ·  HD148352  ·  HD148428  ·  HD148562  ·  HD148579  ·  HD148642  ·  IC 4603  ·  IC 4604  ·  IC 4605  ·  LBN 1109  ·  LBN 1110  ·  LBN 1111  ·  LBN 1112  ·  LDN 1681  ·  LDN 1683  ·  LDN 1684  ·  LDN 1686  ·  LDN 1687  ·  LDN 1688  ·  And 7 more.

Image of the day 05/21/2022

IC 4604 and friends. The Rho Ophiuchi Nebula, Steeve Body
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IC 4604 and friends. The Rho Ophiuchi Nebula

Image of the day 05/21/2022

IC 4604 and friends. The Rho Ophiuchi Nebula, Steeve Body
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IC 4604 and friends. The Rho Ophiuchi Nebula



Acquisition details



This is officially my first RGB picture without using narrowband filters. Taken from a bortle 2 zone during the new moon in the little town of Tolmie in country Victoria, Australia.  This is about 15h of data across 2 panels. My FOV does not allow me to capture the whole of the Rho Ophiuchi complex, so this is the best I could do with the time I had.

Funny enough I did not combine  the luminance channel with this data as I found that it washed out of a lot of the details in the blue channel, detail that just was not really visible in the luminance channel, no matter how hard I have tried to pull it out, so this is a straight RGB picture.

Description for my non astrophotographer friends :Compared to other nebulas I have captured, which have been mostly (all actually) emission nebula (meaning the gasses actually emit light because of nearby stars inducing a electrical charge within the gas.. a bit like a neon light if you’d like) this one is a collection of reflection nebulae, meaning the only reason we see the gasses and dust lanes here is because of big bright stars shining their light onto it, like a light bulb would lit a room or object.

To properly capture these kind of objects you need to use regular colour filters, red, green and blue, with no moon around and a very dark sky… so impossible from our backyard in the city.The blue colours present here are due to the type of star shining its light onto the surround gasses, here mostly blue because of blue giant stars, which are the some of brightest and largest in the universe. The dark dusty gasses are only visible because there are standing in front of these bright colourful gasses, otherwise we would not be able to see those. So if I were to make this a 3D picture, these dark lanes would be on top of everything else.
