Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  IC 1274  ·  IC 4684  ·  IC 4685  ·  NGC 6559  ·  The star 11Sgr
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NGC 6559 & IC4685  - the Lagoon Nebula's lesser known neighbours, Kelvin Hennessy
NGC 6559 & IC4685  - the Lagoon Nebula's lesser known neighbours
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NGC 6559 & IC4685 - the Lagoon Nebula's lesser known neighbours

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NGC 6559 & IC4685  - the Lagoon Nebula's lesser known neighbours, Kelvin Hennessy
NGC 6559 & IC4685  - the Lagoon Nebula's lesser known neighbours
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NGC 6559 & IC4685 - the Lagoon Nebula's lesser known neighbours



Acquisition details



In my opinion one of the most beautiful areas of nebulosity in the sky, this image of  is the first of a two pane mosaic I am working on which will include its celebrity neighbour the Lagoon Nebula.

The data for this was taken over two nights - 3 hours of low gain RGB the first night and 40 minutes of high gain  Ha for the second.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 6559 & IC4685  - the Lagoon Nebula's lesser known neighbours, Kelvin Hennessy