Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Canis Major (CMa)  ·  Contains:  16 CMa)  ·  16 omi01 CMa  ·  HD49867  ·  HD49868  ·  HD49891  ·  HD49939  ·  HD49940  ·  HD49982  ·  HD50046  ·  HD50047  ·  HD50074  ·  HD50092  ·  HD50119  ·  HD50154  ·  HD50155  ·  HD50176  ·  HD50212  ·  HD50232  ·  HD50259  ·  HD50260  ·  HD50286  ·  HD50304  ·  HD50352  ·  HD50376  ·  HD50394  ·  HD50411  ·  HD50465  ·  HD50466  ·  HD50492  ·  HD50493  ·  And 80 more.
SH2-308 HOO, data from Insight Observatory, Andreas Zeinert
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SH2-308 HOO, data from Insight Observatory

SH2-308 HOO, data from Insight Observatory, Andreas Zeinert
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SH2-308 HOO, data from Insight Observatory



Acquisition details



As this object is difficult to capture from my location, I decided to give it a try with data from Insight Observatory (AFIL9). This is pure HOO processing Red = Ha, Green and Blue = OIII, no mixing of channels or magic formula.Quite a fascinating target. The distance is under debate, around 5000 light years.

Source Wikipedia :
Sh2-308, also designated as Sharpless 308, RCW 11, or LBN 1052, and commonly known as the Dolphin-Head Nebula, is an H II region located near the center of the constellation Canis Major, composed of ionised hydrogen. It is about 8 degrees south of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. The nebula is bubble-like and surrounds a Wolf–Rayet star named EZ Canis Majoris. This star is in the brief, pre-supernova phase of its stellar evolution.


Sky plot

Sky plot


SH2-308 HOO, data from Insight Observatory, Andreas Zeinert