Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  HD14441  ·  HD14510  ·  HD14552  ·  HD14558  ·  HD14579  ·  HD14632  ·  HD14695  ·  HD14749  ·  HD14794  ·  HD14795  ·  HD14817  ·  HD14914  ·  HD15022  ·  HD15069  ·  HD15102  ·  HD15238  ·  HD15239  ·  HD15250  ·  HD15382  ·  HD15522  ·  HD15557  ·  HD15558  ·  HD15570  ·  HD15629  ·  HD15640  ·  HD15665  ·  HD15785  ·  HD15829  ·  HD15851  ·  HD15862  ·  And 52 more.
IC1805 Heart Nebula in RGB Stars and HOO Nebula, Michael Maas
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IC1805 Heart Nebula in RGB Stars and HOO Nebula

IC1805 Heart Nebula in RGB Stars and HOO Nebula, Michael Maas
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IC1805 Heart Nebula in RGB Stars and HOO Nebula



Acquisition details



Heart Nebula with RGB Stars and Ha and OIII augmentation of the nebula.  Taken with a Meade Series 6000 80mm refractor with 0.8 focal reducer and field flattener.


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC1805 Heart Nebula in RGB Stars and HOO Nebula, Michael Maas