Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Eagle Nebula  ·  HD166979  ·  HD166994  ·  HD167048  ·  HD167085  ·  HD167220  ·  HD167245  ·  HD167311  ·  HD167330  ·  HD167331  ·  HD167372  ·  HD167394  ·  HD167409  ·  HD167451  ·  HD167497  ·  HD167519  ·  HD167543  ·  HD167592  ·  HD167629  ·  HD167630  ·  HD167631  ·  HD167677  ·  HD167678  ·  HD167695  ·  HD167696  ·  HD167742  ·  HD167789  ·  HD167809  ·  HD167810  ·  HD167811  ·  And 83 more.
M16 and NGC6604, pfile
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M16 and NGC6604

M16 and NGC6604, pfile
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M16 and NGC6604



Acquisition details



M16 and NGC6604
AP 110GTX + 110TCC, 550mm, f/5 110mm refractor
7nm ZWO NB filters (Ha, SII, OIII)

oakland, ca, may 2024

some notes:

the ZWO filters are mounted, and the filter mount itself occludes the light path a little bit. as a result there is some vignetting at the edges of the frame that doesn't seem to flatten out perfectly for some of the filters. the mounts also distort the stars in the corners due to an edge diffraction effect. i think this means some unmounted astronomik filters are in my future.

f/5 isn't particularly fast but since the sensor is so huge, tilt needs to be adjusted out. unfortunately i haven't been able to nail it with the ZWO tip-tilt plate, but of course BlurX takes care of this perfectly. otherwise i think this OTA would yield tack sharp stars from corner to corner on this full-sized sensor.

there might be a little bit of residual gradient left here, top left...  still learning how to use GradientReduction. eagerly awaiting the release of MARS, lol.

finally, 2h for the OIII and SII filters is probably not enough, so i will probably continue and revise this one.



  • M16 and NGC6604, pfile
  • Final
    M16 and NGC6604, pfile


Description: tad more contrast; always looks darker in PI than it does here...

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M16 and NGC6604, pfile