Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  12 Cyg  ·  6 Cyg A)  ·  6 Cyg B  ·  The star 9 Cyg  ·  The star Albireo (β1 Cyg  ·  The star β2 Cyg  ·  The star φ Cyg
Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC), andrea tasselli
Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC)
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Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC)

Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC), andrea tasselli
Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC)
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Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC)



Acquisition details



This is one of those quite rare SNR still accessible in the (far) northern hemisphere or so I thought. Most likely this the faintest diffuse object I have ever attempted from my un-dark skies so far and to make it worse I had the idea to start in the bright summer nights (not much choice there, they are the best night of the year!).  The actual arcs are so faint that I could get no joy in removing the very dense star field for the frame so I had to resort to stretch the linear image as a whole.  The actual SNR has also two fainter arcs further to the N and NE but I couldn't cover in one single frame, plus I really want to have Albireo in my frame. For added bonus points I have also bagged one favorite of mine, the Campbell Hydrogen Star (a ProtoPN) as well as another PPN, the Minkowski Footprint (M1-92) which I must one day (actually night) try imagine for myself. Extra to these, and unbeknownst to me at the time, I also bagged a nice little PN, Kron 15, which is the only one you can actually see as a PN in the image. Check the annotated version for more details.



  • Final
    Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC), andrea tasselli
  • Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC), andrea tasselli


Description: Annotated Version of the Original

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Sh2-91 NB-RGB (OSC), andrea tasselli