Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Eagle Nebula  ·  HD167695  ·  HD167859  ·  HD167899  ·  HD168046  ·  HD168047  ·  HD168048  ·  HD168075  ·  HD168076  ·  HD168097  ·  HD168136  ·  HD168137  ·  HD168183  ·  IC 4703  ·  LBN 67  ·  LBN 68  ·  M 16  ·  NGC 6611  ·  Sh2-49  ·  Star Queen  ·  Star Queen nebula
Eagle Nebula, Steve Pratley
Powered byPixInsight

Eagle Nebula

Eagle Nebula, Steve Pratley
Powered byPixInsight

Eagle Nebula



Acquisition details



A second attempt 12 months on from my initial Eagle shot. Done in SHO with RGB stars. Taken from Bortle 5 location in Sydney's northern beaches from my balcony.

 - Celestron Edge HD 9.25 / 10 Micron GM1000

 - ASI 2600MM Pro (~10.4 hours of integration)

 - PLL Esatto 2"

 - ASI 174MM guide camera

 - PLL Eagle w/ Ecco

 - Antilia Filter set

 S2 - 25 x 600s

 Ha - 36 x 600s

 O3 - 20 x 600s

 - RGB Stars (15 x 15 seconds on each channel)

 - Adobe Photoshop and Pixinsight


Sky plot

Sky plot


Eagle Nebula, Steve Pratley