Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  Checkmark Nebula  ·  HD167283  ·  HD167332  ·  HD167396  ·  HD167431  ·  HD167452  ·  HD167546  ·  HD167593  ·  HD167632  ·  HD167633  ·  HD167655  ·  HD167656  ·  HD167657  ·  HD167697  ·  HD167719  ·  HD167743  ·  HD167744  ·  HD167745  ·  HD167769  ·  HD167791  ·  HD167792  ·  HD167838  ·  HD167860  ·  HD167928  ·  HD167999  ·  HD168017  ·  HD168018  ·  HD168098  ·  HD168114  ·  HD168162  ·  And 85 more.
M17 Omega Nebula, Victor
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M17 Omega Nebula

M17 Omega Nebula, Victor
Powered byPixInsight

M17 Omega Nebula



Acquisition details



M17:  Swan Nebula also know as Omega Nebula.
This image is a compilation of data acquire from the Iki observatory in Spain: The masters were Sii, Ha and Oiii
In addition, RGB Data was imaged with my Takahashi FSQ-106 and ZWO 2600mc camera.
The combined data was processed using Pixel Math in Pixinsight to combine the SHO and RGB data.
The data was then worked in Photoshop to add local color and contrast.


Sky plot

Sky plot


M17 Omega Nebula, Victor