Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  10 Cep)  ·  10 nu. Cep  ·  12 Cep  ·  5 Cep)  ·  5 alf Cep  ·  9 Cep  ·  Alderamin  ·  B151  ·  B152  ·  B153  ·  B154  ·  B157  ·  B160  ·  B161  ·  B162  ·  B163  ·  B165  ·  B166  ·  B167  ·  B359  ·  B360  ·  B364  ·  B365  ·  B366  ·  B367  ·  B368  ·  Erakis  ·  Erakis (μ Cep)  ·  HD199967  ·  HD200205  ·  And 203 more.
Ic-1396, SH2-129 The Elephants Trunk and Flying Bat Nebula RGBHaOiii, Michael Rushalko
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Ic-1396, SH2-129 The Elephants Trunk and Flying Bat Nebula RGBHaOiii

Ic-1396, SH2-129 The Elephants Trunk and Flying Bat Nebula RGBHaOiii, Michael Rushalko
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Ic-1396, SH2-129 The Elephants Trunk and Flying Bat Nebula RGBHaOiii



Acquisition details



Data collected at SFRO. There have been countless clear nights over the last month.  The framing could be better, but I do not have a rotator on the Rokinon 135mm.  First image with the ASI2600MM, and 6nm Astronomik  Maxfr filters.  Here is the HOO with RGB stars and I do like how this image turned out, but it's the standard HOO process, very red and not as much pop.  


Sky plot

Sky plot


Ic-1396, SH2-129 The Elephants Trunk and Flying Bat Nebula RGBHaOiii, Michael Rushalko