Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Eagle Nebula  ·  HD167331  ·  HD167372  ·  HD167451  ·  HD167497  ·  HD167519  ·  HD167543  ·  HD167592  ·  HD167630  ·  HD167631  ·  HD167678  ·  HD167695  ·  HD167696  ·  HD167742  ·  HD167811  ·  HD167812  ·  HD167835  ·  HD167836  ·  HD167837  ·  HD167859  ·  HD167882  ·  HD167899  ·  HD167900  ·  HD167925  ·  HD167926  ·  HD167927  ·  HD167948  ·  HD167972  ·  HD168015  ·  HD168016  ·  And 29 more.
Eagle Nebula (M16), estabrook
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Eagle Nebula (M16)

Eagle Nebula (M16), estabrook
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Eagle Nebula (M16)



Acquisition details



I had hoped my annual trip to North Carolina's Bortle 4 skies would coincide with some clear nights, but alas, I had no such luck.  The one perfect night during my two-week stay was the night I arrived!  Fortunately, an adequately clear window opened on one night, midway though my trip, and I took aim at the Eagle Nebula (M16).  

Despite the narrow window of opportunity, short summer nights, and an unexpected confrontation with my mount's slew limits, I captured close to 4 hours of data--enough to assemble an attractive (but perhaps not mind-blowing) image. I attempted this classic target last year--it was my first emission nebula--and I was pleased with the result.  This year, I'm equally pleased with my progress, but still see plenty of room for improvement.

(Captured: C6, AVX, Hyperstar, ASI183MC Pro, Optolong IR/UV cut filter. Processed: AstroPixelProcessor, PixInsight, StarXterminator, NoiseXterminator)



  • Eagle Nebula (M16), estabrook
  • Final
    Eagle Nebula (M16), estabrook


Description: Used some newer processing techniques, including BlurX and Bill Blanshan's processes, for star reduction

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Sky plot


Eagle Nebula (M16), estabrook