Contains:  Solar system body or event
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Viewing Comet 12P-Pons-Brooks for 2.5 hours

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Viewing Comet 12P-Pons-Brooks for 2.5 hours



Acquisition details



Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks has a period of 71 years, and has been a regular visitor to our skies for generations.  This comet may become naked-eye visible in April 2024 and could make a nice photo if paired with the total solar eclipse also taking place that month.  The comet should be about 24 degrees from the sun.

These acquisitions were made using a Celestron EdgeHD-11 SCT in Bortle 3 skies, before the moon rose.  The variation in brightness is due to the passage of clouds during the observing period, and not due to any comet modulation in brightness.



Viewing Comet 12P-Pons-Brooks for 2.5 hours, Richard Carande