Image of the day 01/29/2022

NGC 3576 SHO, Mathieu Guinot

NGC 3576 SHO

Image of the day 01/29/2022

NGC 3576 SHO, Mathieu Guinot

NGC 3576 SHO



Acquisition details



The famous NGC 3576 is an emission nebula located 9000 light-years away from Earth in the Carina constellation. 
It is also called "The Statue of Liberty Nebula" because of the distinctive shape in the middle of the nebula. Within the nebula, episodes of star formation are thought to contribute to the complex and suggestive shapes. Powerful winds from the nebula's embedded, young, massive stars shape the looping filaments.

Data bought on telescope Live and taken with CHI-1 and  CHI-2 telescopes at El Sauce Observatory, Chile, from june 2020 to december 2021.

CHI-1 CDK 24 :
Hii : 14x600s + 12x 300s
Sii : 17x600s + 12x300s
Oiii : 16x600s + 12x300s

CHI-2 ASA 500N :
Hii : 9x600s



NGC 3576 SHO, Mathieu Guinot

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