Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  NGC 6357  ·  the War and Peace Nebula
Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband, robonrome
Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband
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Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband

Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband, robonrome
Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband
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Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband



Acquisition details



I've imaged this earlier in the season and re-used that data but added double the integration time and also added a fair chunk of 10min exposures to seek fainter detail.

This is by far the longest integration I've done now at 34 hours... conclusion, I need to stop being lazy and seeking to imporve images with more integration time and learn how to process better. While APP's weighting by quality in stacking is great, I've started using it a bit like a crutch and not being as discriminating with subs as I probably should be. Something I will work on. 

The individual channels stacked in APP I then combined and processed in Startools as SHO and finished in PS CC. With the rotation of subs this ended up more a square format where all my frames lined up.



  • Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband, robonrome
  • Final
    Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband, robonrome


Description: reworked slightly
and boosted contrast

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Lobster Nebula NGC6357 in SHO narrowband, robonrome

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