Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sun Ha - Too low for comfort - 20221226 15:26, Wouter Cazaux

Sun Ha - Too low for comfort - 20221226 15:26

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Sun Ha - Too low for comfort - 20221226 15:26, Wouter Cazaux

Sun Ha - Too low for comfort - 20221226 15:26

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Sun Ha - Too low for comfort - 20221226 15:26

The cloud cover (eternally lasting for the last months already) broke just before sunset (16:44), with the sun already being very low (7 degrees) above the horizon.

It was just a crazy idea to try and image this, but with a lack of decent ‘star’-light already for months, any glimpse is an opportunity to jump for. Who wouldn’t …?

Some tree branches of a neighbouring overgrown tree already streaking across the face of the sun. Given my field of view at 1080p, I need to image the sun in two parts (top/bottom) and stitch them afterwards. By the time I had imaged the top part, the bottom part was already partially covered by the hedge, which caused a lot of artefacts in the processing, (even some in the top part) and causing the PhotoMerge to be unable to stitch the two parts together.

Therefor, only the top part displayed here. Nicely visible from left to right AR3176 -AR3173 - AR3171 - AR3169

Frozen in time - 20221226 15:26
TS102/1100 @f22 / ERF 1.25” / Combi Daystar Quark / ASI174MM / EQ6-R Pro

The glass is always half-full, especially with half of the sun …

Clear Skies everybody! 🤩✨🔭

Follow me @astrowaut
